Often we wonder about our lives and do they have meaning? How would we think about others who made that statement to us?
Meaning is what you decide it to be and how you measure it. For some of us this may mean that the base levels are set at "the bar is high: and others "the bar is low". What this shows us is difference and our ability to view events and experiences differently to others.
So who is right? What is no one is right, does anyone need to be right? that is often just a difference of opinion.
In this world we are often lead to believe that there is always a right or wrong, but what if we spent more time looking at the grey? For many sitting in the grey is very uncomfortable, but this can be a very therapeutic place to be, if, we allow it.
For many lower level decisions, I wonder how much less stress we may feel if we spent more time in the grey? Would life be easier to not be constantly wondering which decision to make, or feeling the weight of making the right one.
So sometimes try sitting in the grey and see how it feels, sometimes the meaning we look for is hiding comfortably in the grey, we just need to reach for it.